Weekly Events:

SUNDAY – 10am Worship Service

SUNDAY – 7pm Bible Study(ZOOM and in Person)

TUESDAY – 10am Women’s Bible Study

1st & 3rd TUESDAY – 7pm Bible Study

Christmas Eve Service

Poke Run Presbyterian Church 1091 Poke Run Church Rd., Apollo, PA, United States

Maundy Thursday Worship – Tenebrae

Poke Run Presbyterian Church 1091 Poke Run Church Rd., Apollo, PA, United States

            “Tenebrae Service” Tenebrae is Latin for “shadows” or “darkness.” This Christian worship service, often called “A Service of Shadows,” is a meditation on Christ’s suffering. “Readings trace the story of Christ’s passion, music portrays his pathos, and the power of silence and darkness suggests the drama of this momentous day. As lights are extinguished,…

Easter Sunday

Poke Run Presbyterian Church 1091 Poke Run Church Rd., Apollo, PA, United States